Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Per the Tailgating Coordinator

Hey Alumni,

Just a reminder: If would like to see the games that we are tailgating, single game alumni tickets are going on sale at 1000 hrs June 30. You can only get tickets thru There is a limit of two tickets for the Saturday, Oct. 21 Homecoming battle with Illinois. Tickets are selling out fast, so be sure to get them now.

I also have 2 tickets to sit with Johnny (AKA Chris F) and I in section WCU for $50 each. Let me know if you'd like to sit with us.

Our 2006 tailgates are :
09-30-2006 Northwestern (Oktoberfest tailgate)
10-21-2006 Illinois (Homecoming)

I also still have hotel rooms for the games we are tailgating. The sooner you let me know, the more likely we'll still have space.

More info can be found at

For the Glory,

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Single game tix

Hey Alumni, If you're coming to tailgate with us this season and would like to see the games, single game alumni tickets are going on sale at 1000 hrs June 30. You can only get tickets thru

Our 2006 tailgates are :

09-30-2006 Northwestern (Oktoberfest tailgate)

10-21-2006 Illinois (Homecoming)

There is a limit of two tickets for the Saturday, Oct. 21 Homecoming battle with Illinois. Tickets will sell out fast, so be sure to get them if you want to go into the game. I also still have hotel rooms for the games we are tailgating. The sooner you let me know, the more likely we'll still have space.

For the Glory,


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